In our organic garden we grow 40 different kinds of vegetables and fruits, within the seasons. In the full soil you find the most well-known vegetables that our environment offers. In our green house we create with the sunlight an environment where we can also grow vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants. Our vegetables and fruits are fed with the manure from our firered cattle. This manure contents organic materials that is very important for the soil. The soil is the key to the good nutrition in our vegetables!
The garden, with all the activities it requires, is taken care of by our gardeners who get help from our clients and volunteers who are at our farm during the day. We see the agriculture, especially the garden, as an important economical activity. And that everybody who is connected with it needs to feel the experience as much as possible. That’s why we open up our garden for people who can harvest their own vegetables and pick their own fruits.
We have a special love at our farm for the strawberry. The strawberries from ‘t Paradijs have a very good quality. This is because we don’t use any pesticides, we use organic feed and we grow very tasty races of strawberries. We grow the strawberries in a fully organic soil. The strawberry’s are handpicked and we make sure only the ones with the best color and taste get selected.
A part of the strawberry’s we grow on the farm are selected to be processed into our own apple-strawberry juice or strawberry jam. These are examples of products we sell in our own farm store